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Friday 1st November 2024
Category: Licensing
By Jeff


First things first: we all know these devices are actually suppressors since they don’t silence a firearm. However, for the sake of keeping inline with the NSW Firearms Registry description, I’m going to call them silencers in this article.


Friday 12th July 2024
Category: Licensing
By Jeff

Aerial culling of feral pigs

This is the single most common question I get asked. There isn’t a week that goes by when I don't get asked this question in person and receive at least a few website

Thursday 21st December 2023
Category: Licensing
By Jeff

NSW State Forests provide some of the greatest hunting opportunities, and all it costs you is $75 per annum! Seriously, it’s great value and one of the best ways to go hunting almost whenever you feel like it.

In this article we are going to cover off on the major benefits of getting a NSW R Licence, some of the regular complaints

Thursday 23rd November 2023
Category: Licensing
By Jeff

Alright, exciting times! You’ve decided to get your NSW firearms licence, but you’re not sure how to go about it? Don’t worry, it’s a fairly simple process, but I do understand there is some confusion about the exact steps required. The focus of this article is on gaining Category A and B licensing for hunting and target

Tuesday 1st August 2023
Category: Licensing
By Jeff

contract shooter licensing

Generally speaking, there is a lot of confusion and general unawareness of the licensing conditions and land zones where a contract shooter can
