The Simplest Possible Method for Prepping a Euro Mount Trophy
Alright, guys, if you're looking for the simplest possible method for preparing a deer trophy, then please read on. This is a no-nonsense method and gets it done quickly.
The great thing about deer skulls is they don't hold a lot of fat, so they can be prepared relatively quickly in comparison to other skulls like pigs, which hold a lot of fat in the bone and take a long time to get out.
Here's what you'll need:
- Rambo high-pressure gas cooker.
- Big stainless steel pot.
- High-pressure power washer.
- Dish soap.
- Napisan.
- Screwdriver.
Now, this guide assumes you've already skinned the head and removed the jaw.
The first step is to fire up the Rambo and get some water in the pot. Place the trophy in the pot and fill the water level so the skull is covered, but the antlers are still out of the water. Ignore the quick-grips as they aren't really required.
Once the water starts to boil, dial down the Rambo so that it's only a very minor simmer. This part is crucial, as we don't want to break down the bone. We simply want to cook the meat and internals to make them easy to remove.
Once the heat is at a gentle simmer, add a good squirt of dish soap. This will help greatly in removing fat from the bone. Simmer for 1.5-2hrs. Remove the skull and turn it upside down. You will see some small bones under the ear canal. These will pop off with a screwdriver and reveal a heap of cartilage.
Now, place the skull on something where you can make a mess and man the pressure washer. Start from a reasonable distance away and move closer to the skull until you can see the meat and tissue coming off completely. Now I mean completely. It all has to go. Only clean bone can remain. Be sure to take care with your aim when cleaning the brain cavity, otherwise you will wear the blow-back. I know this from experience. Be sure to give the nasal cavities and all other nooks and crannies a really good blast.
Once you're happy the skull is all nice and clean, change the water in the Rambo and then, once simmering again, add some dish soap. Now you can pop the skull in for another hour. This will ensure all the fat in the skull that was under any meat will have a good chance of simmering out.
Now that the simmering is done, take it out and give it one more good blast with your power washer. Now give the skull a really good look over to ensure it is indeed all clean bone. If so, proceed. If not, keep simmering, then rinse/repeat.
Now the next step is run a hot tub of water and mix in a couple scoops of Napisan. I generally use the laundry tub for this step. Place the skull in the tub and bring the water up the same as before so that the skull is covered, but the antlers are not. This is crucial as the Napisan will whiten the antlers. Leave the skull resting in this mix for 24-48hrs. This will allow any fat in the bone to leech out.
Finally, drain the tub and give the skull a good rinse underwater. Place it outside on a nice sunny day and give it a good few days in the sun to dry out. A week in the sun is preferable if possible.
This is the method I use, and it works for me. There are many other methods of varying difficulty and steps, but as I said, this is the keep it simple method. The only other step you might like to add is a hydrogen peroxide soak for 24hrs. However, I find the skull is already pretty white from the Napisan soak, so it isn't really required.
Now the best bit. Go hang it on your wall!
How good is that!
Alright, that's it for now. Now go have a crack at your own.
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